Call us on 0117 927 9604

  • Ian Kelcey

    Senior Partner, Solicitor and Higher Courts Advocate, Fraud, Regulatory & Complex Crime Specialist

  • Gill Hall

    Partner, Solicitor and Head of Family Law Team

  • Billy Olaniyi

    Partner, Solicitor and Higher Court Advocate and Duty Solicitor Qualified

  • Oliver Johnston

    Solicitor & Accredited Police Station Representative

  • Nick Kelcey

    Accredited Police Station Representative General and Complex Crime Specialist Caseworker

  • Nathan Beese

    Accredited Police Station Representative

  • Daniel Beagley

    Daniel Beagley

    Trainee Solicitor

  • Matthew Overton

    Matthew Overton

    Accredited Police Station Representative & Trainee Solicitor

  • Lauren Sullivan

    Lauren Sullivan

    Trainee Solicitor


Solicitor & Accredited Police Station Representative

Oliver is a Solicitor with Kelcey & Hall. He graduated from Swansea University with a 2:1 Law Degree with honours. Oliver then completed his Legal Practise Course at the University of Law in Bristol. Oliver offers to Kelcey & Hall a commitment to assist clients and demonstrates a good eye for detail and excellent client care. Oliver is also an Accredited Police Station Representative.

Oliver has a broad knowledge of crime and family matters. Oliver specialises in crime and has advised clients in a variety of complex crime matters. He also represents parents and grandparents in childcare proceedings.